Equality Objectives

Marton Manor Equality Objectives Statement

As a school we work together to match  our vision, values and ethos to the expectations of the equality and diversity guidelines and legislation set out by the Equality and Human Rights Commission. This includes the following 9 protected characteristics:

  • Age.
  • Disability
  • Gender Reassignment
  • Marriage and Civil Partnerships
  • Pregnancy and Maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual Orientation

At Marton Manor we welcome our duties under the Equality Act 2010. Under the public sector equality duty, we have due regard of the need to:

  • Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited under the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it
  • Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it

Objective 1: Eliminating discrimination

To successfully integrate pupils with additional learning needs into accessing areas of mainstream provision.

Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure An appropriate environment is in place for children with a diverse range of needs

To achieve this objective, we plan to: Ensure killed staff are in place in mainstream provision.

To ensure a clear curriculum model is in place

External review reports strong and successful integration

Embed the equality values throughout the curriculum and our wider provision.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Staff are working closely with alternative and specialist provision to access quality CPD. Staff are working on a curriculum model in parteners hip with other rus schools and LA professionals. We are inviting external review to monitor the ongoing integration of our children with complex SEND needs..

Objective 2: Advancing equality

Ensure that all children have an embedded understanding of the Protected Characteristics through assemblies and PSHE teaching.

Why we have chosen this objective: Marton Manor is a predominantly white, British demographic. We aim to increase our pupils’ understanding of diversity, ensuring that children from all backgrounds are represented.

To achieve this objective, we plan to: Review the curriculum, assemblies & our reading spine, ensuring representation of different cultures and backgrounds.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Curriculum leaders have started to review our curriculum offer, our Head teacher has reviewed our assembly offer, our PSHE Lead is beginning work towards making our school a ‘Right’s Respecting’ School.

Objective 3: Fostering good relations

Children to gain a wider understanding of culture and belief.

Why we have chosen this objective: We aim to develop and foster relationships with others that are from a contrasting community. We want our children to develop links and learn about how life is different in other parts of the area and country.

To achieve this objective, we plan to:  Visit a school with a more diverse context. Visit places of worship from different religions.

Progress we are making towards this objective: Collections for food and clothing banks, Salvation Army, and other national charitable organisations e.g. Children in Need and Comic Relief, gaining Rights Respecting School status. Making links with a Trust school with a different cultural demographic. Celebrating a wider range of festivals across teh school year from different cultures. Inviting in external speaksers from different cultural backgrounds.

Additional Information

Please see our Equality Objectives policy below for more information.

School Level Equality ObjectivesView

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