Welcome to Marton Manor Support Base.
Our Additionally Resourced Provision is for children with a diagnosis of Autism and was established within Marton Manor Primary School as part of the Local Authority’s (LA) Local Offer and has places for up to 15 pupils from Reception to Year 6.
In order to access this provision pupils must have a diagnosis of Autism. However, an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHCP) is not essential. Please see below for more information on LA admission arrangements.

Support Model
Our provision provides a flexible, needs led model of support. This means that children can be supported in a variety of ways:
- Full time teaching, learning and support within The Base
- Majority of curriculum delivered within The Base with inclusion in mainstream class for specific subjects/activities
- Core curriculum subjects delivered within The Base and Foundation Subjects in mainstream class
- Inclusion in mainstream for all curriculum delivery with additional support from The Base for social, emotional and communication needs.
Curriculum and Skill Development
Within the Support Base, curriculum is delivered in line with the stage of development of individual pupils. This may mean a pupil is following an Early Years curriculum or a curriculum from a year group below their chronological age. This allows pupils to make progress at their own rate from their own individual starting points.
Provision within our Support Base is designed to develop skills that require teaching beyond those generally available in mainstream classrooms. We follow model that focuses on preparation for adulthood (reflected in EHCP outcomes) and developing functional skills. These include:
- Making choices and decisions
- Language and communication skills.
- Social/emotional awareness and relationship skills e.g.. turn taking, respecting the needs of others
- Personal Independence
- Appropriate learning behaviour

Support Base Admissions
Middlesbrough Local Authority manages admissions to our Support Base through a Place Planning Process.
For more information visit the Middlesbrough Local Offer Page:
For more information on our setting or to arrange an appointment with the Special Educational Needs Coordinator and Base Teacher (Mrs Blades), please contact the School Office.
Telephone: 01642 285001
Email: martonmanor@martonmanorprimary.co.uk