Welcome to the Year 3 page for the academic year 2021-2022. Here you will find updates on our activities, our end of year expectations, routines and timetables.
Full year curriculum – Year 3
How you can support your child.
Here are some links to resources you can use to support your child’s learning.
Topmarks website – great for fun Maths games.
Spelling Frame website – find word lists and games for Y3 spelling rules
Times Tables Rockstars – practise times tables in a fun way.
MyOn website – children can log on to read online books and complete a comprehension quiz.
Topic Page
Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt
Step back in time to discover ancient Egyptian artefacts and wonders of the world. As a famous archaeologist you will search through pyramids and tombs and let the world know what you discover each day through your famous diary.
We will be learning how the ancient Egyptian civilization lived and the purpose of the artefacts or ancient discoveries we have discovered.
Websites you might enjoy
Ancient Egypt: https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/egyptian-life-and-culture
This term we are going to be identifying and analysing different types of rock. Including finding out the difference between natural and human made rocks and their purposes in the world. We will also learn about soil and minerals.
Religious Education
In Religious Education we are learning why the Bible is so important for
Christians today. We will learn the beliefs and life style Christians live and their views on how the world was created. We will watch, read and roll play Christian stories and decide which stories are special and why?

Maths expectations
By the end of the year the students are expected to solve times tables and division facts for 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. Working on Times Table Rockstars and Topmarks regularly will enhance their skills to achieve and exceed expectations.