Welcome to the year 4 page for the academic year 2020 – 2021! Here you will find updates on our activities, our end of year expectations, routines and timetables. This year, We must ensure that our year 3 objectives have been met as well as completing the majority of year 4 objectives.
The year 4 transition booklet outlines the curriculum objectives for Maths and English.
Back to the Year 3 and 4 curriculum page
Homework is given out on a Friday and collected in on the following Friday. Homework is usually the weekly spellings and some Maths to consolidate the week’s learning. We also expect children to:
- read aloud
- practice their times tables
How can you help at home?

As well as supporting your child with weekly homework objectives, you can ensure your child is participating in online games such as TTRockstars and Hit the Button to practise times tables.
By the end of year 2, children should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and associated division facts. Then at the end of year 3, children should also know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables. This year, children should know all of their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of the Summer Term!

Children should be reading fluently by the end of year 3 and be able to read books above 3.0 in our reading scheme, Accelerated Reader. By the end of year 4, most children should be confidently reading at 3.5 and above. They should also be able to answer questions using evidence in the text to support their answer.
To help at home, reading with your children as frequently as possible is the best way you can do this. Try to make it part of your daily routine. You can help them by taking it in turns to read. You can also use MyOn where the book can be read aloud to your child.
If your child would like to read a book at home and then quiz, you can check if the book is in the AR scheme here
For taking quizzes, you can click here

Please help your child by helping them to practice their weekly spellings. These will be uploaded to spelling shed as an assignment on a weekly basis.
You can also check your child’s understanding of other year 3 and 4 spelling rules and common exception words using the Stage 3 and 4 links once you are logged in.
Year 3 Spelling Rules
Year 4 Spelling Rules
Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 Common Exception Words